There are several tools that convert short text documents with
wiki-like markup to HTML, PDF and other document formats. One such
tool called AsciiDoc has
been my favourite for a long time. PyBlosxom has plugins for
light-weight markup languages like
reStructured Text and
Textile, but not for AsciiDoc. Now
that I have chosen PyBlosxom as my blogging tool, I thought it might
be a nice to add AsciiDoc support to PyBlosxom.
It turned out that writing a plugin for AsciiDoc is not that hard
after all, thanks to the
introduced in AsciiDoc 8.4.1. Here is a minimal AsciiDoc plugin.
AsciiDoc Plugin for PyBlosxom
from asciidocapi import AsciiDocAPI, AsciiDocError
import StringIO
def cb_preformat(args): 1
if args['parser'] == 'asciidoc':
return parse(''.join(args['story']))
def parse(text):
infile = StringIO.StringIO(text)
outfile = StringIO.StringIO()
asciidoc = AsciiDocAPI("/home/bravegnu/asciidoc/") 2
asciidoc.execute(infile, outfile, backend='xhtml11')
except AsciiDocError, e:
return "<b>Asciidoc Error: %s</b>" % e
return outfile.getvalue()
Callback function that implements preformatting.
Asciidoc API to invoke asciidoc from within python. The location
of asciidoc module can be passed as an argument, or asciidocapi
will try to infer it.
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