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Protothreads in Python

Mon, 28 Mar 2011

I did a lightning talk on Protothreads at the ChennaiPy user group meeting last week. This post contains the code examples demonstrated during the talk.

Threads waiting on timeouts
import time

class WaitForTimeout(object):
    def __init__(self, timeout):
        self.start = self.now()
        self.end = self.start + timeout

    def now(self):
        return time.time()

    def runnable(self):
        return self.now() > self.end

class WaitForNone(object):
    def runnable(self):
        return True

def thread1():
    while True:
        print "Hello World"
        yield WaitForTimeout(1)

def thread2():
    while True:
        print "Goodbye World"
        yield WaitForTimeout(5)

t1 = thread1()
t2 = thread2()

c1 = WaitForNone()
c2 = WaitForNone()

while True:
    if c1.runnable():
        c1 = t1.next()

    if c2.runnable():
        c2 = t2.next()
Generic scheduler
import time

class WaitForTimeout(object):
    def __init__(self, timeout):
        self.start = self.now()
        self.end = self.start + timeout

    def now(self):
        return time.time()

    def runnable(self):
        return self.now() > self.end

class WaitForNone(object):
    def runnable(self):
        return True

def thread1():
    while True:
        print "Hello World"
        yield WaitForTimeout(1)

def thread2():
    while True:
        print "Goodbye World"
        yield WaitForTimeout(5)

def schedule(threads):
    cond = [WaitForNone()] * len(threads)

    while True:
        for i in range(len(threads)):
            if cond[i] and cond[i].runnable():
                    cond[i] = threads[i].next()
                except StopIteration, e:
                    cond[i] = None

threads = [thread1(), thread2()]
Threads waiting on fds
import time
import urllib
import select
import sys

class WaitForTimeout(object):
    def __init__(self, timeout):
        self.start = self.now()
        self.end = self.start + timeout

    def now(self):
        return time.time()

    def runnable(self):
        return self.now() > self.end

class WaitForIO(object):
    def __init__(self, fd, eventmask):
        self.poll = select.poll()
        self.poll.register(fd, eventmask)

    def runnable(self):
        if self.poll.poll(0):
            return True
            return False

class WaitForNone(object):
    def runnable(self):
        return True

size = 0
total = 1
def thread1():
    global total, size
    fp = urllib.urlopen("http://www.zilogic.com/")
    msg = fp.info()
    total = int(msg["Content-Length"])

    size = 0
    while True:
        yield WaitForIO(fp.fileno(), select.POLLIN)
        data = fp.read(1024)
        size += len(data)
        if data == "":

def thread2():
    while True:
        percent = (size * 100.0 / total)
        progress = "["
        progress += "*" * (int(percent) / 2)
        progress += " " * (int(100 - percent) / 2)
        progress += "]"
        print progress,
        print "%.2f%%\r" % (size * 100.0 / total),
        yield WaitForTimeout(1)

def schedule(threads):
    cond = [WaitForNone()] * len(threads)

    while True:
        for i in range(len(threads)):
            if cond[i] and cond[i].runnable():
                    cond[i] = threads[i].next()
                except StopIteration, e:
                    cond[i] = None

threads = [thread1(), thread2()]
Threads waiting on socket and input fd
import time
import urllib
import select
import sys
import tty
import termios

class WaitForTimeout(object):
    def __init__(self, timeout):
        self.start = self.now()
        self.end = self.start + timeout

    def now(self):
        return time.time()

    def runnable(self):
        return self.now() > self.end

class WaitForIO(object):
    def __init__(self, fd, eventmask=select.POLLIN):
        self.poll = select.poll()
        self.poll.register(fd, eventmask)

    def runnable(self):
        if self.poll.poll(0):
            return True
            return False

class WaitForNone(object):
    def runnable(self):
        return True

class Or(object):
    def __init__(self, *cond_list):
        self.cond_list = cond_list

    def runnable(self):
        for cond in self.cond_list:
            if cond.runnable():
                return True
        return False

size = 0
total = 1
def thread1():
    global total, size
    fp = urllib.urlopen("http://www.zilogic.com/releases/zkit-51-sw-1.1.iso")
    msg = fp.info()
    total = int(msg["Content-Length"])

    size = 0
    while True:
        yield WaitForIO(fp.fileno())
        data = fp.read(1024)
        size += len(data)
        if data == "":

def thread2():
    fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
    attrs = termios.tcgetattr(fd)

    while True:
        percent = (size * 100.0 / total)
        progress = "["
        progress += "*" * (int(percent) / 2)
        progress += " " * (int(100 - percent) / 2)
        progress += "]"
        print progress,
        print "%.2f%%\r" % (size * 100.0 / total),

        timeout = WaitForTimeout(1)
        io = WaitForIO(fd)
        yield Or(timeout, io)

        if io.runnable():
            op = sys.stdin.read(1)
            if op == 's':
                termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSAFLUSH, attrs)

def schedule(threads):
    cond = [WaitForNone()] * len(threads)

    while True:
        for i in range(len(threads)):
            if cond[i] and cond[i].runnable():
                    cond[i] = threads[i].next()
                except StopIteration, e:
                    cond[i] = None

threads = [thread1(), thread2()]

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