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PyCon India is a volunteer run conference, and each year a team of volunteers make the event happen. As a volunteer driven conference, every small contribution is significant. But the conference itself happens because a few people vouch to see to it that the conference happens, come what may. This is the organizing team.
The members of PyCon India 2019, organizing team were brought together by mutual respect of each other, and I am glad to have worked shoulder-to-shoulder with this highly skilled team. I am highlighting some of the contributions made by the team members, but what you see here is just the tip of the iceberg.
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The objective of this article is to help people understand how the Python VM works, through a poke and learn approach.
Python’s byte code is specific to the CPython implementation. Moreover it is not guaranteed to be stable across CPython versions. And hence it is a bad idea to do such things in production code. The examples provided in this article are for demonstration and learning purposes only.
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Thanks to the Indian Python community for recognizing my work, by selecting me for this year’s Kenneth Gonsalves award.
Building the Chennaipy community has been my focus in the past year. I would like to thank all people in Chennai Python community who have contributed to it.
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In the December Chennaipy meetup, I did my presentation using asciidoc and dzslides. Though I liked the output, with dzslides' CSS it was not possible to print the slides to PDF. I was looking for ways to convert the slides to PDF, so that I can upload them to slideshare.
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For the Chennaipy December meetup, we decided to do a series of 10-min Lightning Talks. But most people I spoke to, were wondering — what can you say in 10 min, how do I compress my 40 min talk into 10 min, … So here are a few suggestions for what to do and what not to do.
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ERPNext is an opensource ERP software written in Python, by a team of developers from Mumbai. The ERPNext team recently organized a conference, and my experiences at the conference, is covered in this article.
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Chennaipy met on 27th of July. Due to some renovation work at the usual venue, Zilogic Systems, the meeting was held at IITM.
Surprisingly this time, we had a couple of people arriving before the meeting time. And gradually the participant count hit 14. Thanks to Kiran and Srini for promoting the meet in various other forums.
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ReviewBoard comes with excellent documentation, but the LDAP configuration is not very clear. Hope this blog article serves to fill in the gap.
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Make is the standard Unix tool to build software, and has been around for the past 30 years. The make build system has certain drawbacks that more recent tools are trying to fix. One such tool in SCons. This article aims to help a make user come up to speed with SCons.
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Python user’s in Chennai, met again on 24th November. We had about 13 people participating in the meet this time. We discussed about regular expressions, GUI programming with GTK, and a web application development project.
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We had a great meet this time, with about 10 people participating. We started with the customary introduction to Python, since there were lot of people who had just started with Python.
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Chennaipy met on the 28th of July. We had about 10 people, participating in the meet. The meet started with an intro into Python, followed by a lightning talk on File I/O by Bala and a short talk on SCons by Vijay Kumar.
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Chennaipy met again on the 30th of June, with talks on a wide range of topics. The meet was originally scheduled for 23rd June, but due to a full day power cut at the venue, the meet was rescheduled. The reschedule resulted in a low turn out.
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Chennaipy met again on the 28th of April, with talks and videos on a wide range of topics. This time around we had about 10 people.
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Chennaipy met again on the 25th of February, with talks and videos on a wide range of topics. This time around we had about 7 people.
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Chennaipy met again on the 28th of January. There were about 6 members this time. Despite the low turn out we had a great time.
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Chennaipy met again on the 24th of December, with Python users sharing tid bits, tips, tricks and their experiences with Python. We had about 12 members this time again. That was a bit of a surprise, since it was the day before Christmas, and there were speculations for a low turn-up. But as the actual head count shows, the community’s dynamics is hardly predictable.
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We had about 12 members this time. And I hope people got a good opportunity to discuss, share and learn Python.
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We had a great monthly meet this time. There were around 11 participants.
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I did a lightning talk on Protothreads at the ChennaiPy user group meeting last week. This post contains the code examples demonstrated during the talk.
The code was written to show how Protothreads work, but it is not the best way to implement Protothreads. For one, the examples use 100% of the CPU, because the scheduler does not block. For a more complete implementation, check the source code of the Kiwi project.
BTW, the term Protothreads comes from a co-operative multi-threading implementation in C by Adam Dunkels.
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The wave Python module can be used to read and write .WAV files. Unfortunately, the manual is not very clear. Here is a short tutorial on how to use the wave module.
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This tutorial shows how to create a very simple OpenERP module. A module to add Indian Rupees to the currency list will be taken as an example.
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There are several tools that convert short text documents with wiki-like markup to HTML, PDF and other document formats. One such tool called AsciiDoc has been my favourite for a long time. PyBlosxom has plugins for light-weight markup languages like reStructured Text and Textile, but not for AsciiDoc. Now that I have chosen PyBlosxom as my blogging tool, I thought it might be a nice to add AsciiDoc support to PyBlosxom.
It turned out that writing a plugin for AsciiDoc is not that hard after all, thanks to the asciidocapi introduced in AsciiDoc 8.4.1. Here is a minimal AsciiDoc plugin.
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