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B. ARM Instruction Set

The ARM processor has a powerful instruction set. But only a subset required to understand the examples in this tutorial will be discussed here.

The ARM has a load store architecture, meaning that all arithmetic and logical instructions take only register operands. They cannot directly operate on operands to memory. Separate instruction load and store instructions are used for moving data between registers and memory.

In this section, the following class of instructions will be elaborated

  1. Data Processing Instructions
  2. Branch Instructions
  3. Load Store Instructions

Data Processing Instructions. The most common data processing instructions are listed in the following table.

Table B.1. Data Processing Instructions

Instruction Operation Example

mov rd, n

rd = n

mov r7, r5 ; r7 = r5

add rd, rn, n

rd = rn + n

add r0, r0, #1 ; r0 = r0 + 1

sub rd, rn, n

rd = rn - n

sub r0, r2, r1 ; r0 = r2 + r1

cmp rn, n

rn - n

cmp r1, r2 ; r1 - r2

By default data processing instructions do not update the condition flags. Instructions will update condition flags if it is suffixed with an S. For example, the following instruction adds two registers and updates the condition flags.

adds r0, r1, r2

One exception to this rule is the cmp instruction. Since the only purpose of the cmp instruction is to set condition flags, it does not require the s suffix, for setting flags.

Branch Instructions. The branch instructions cause the processor to execute instructions from a different address. Two branch instruction are available - b and bl. The bl instruction in addition to branching, also stores the return address in the lr register, and hence can be used for sub-routine invocation. The instruction syntax is given below.

b label        ; pc = label
bl label       ; pc = label, lr = addr of next instruction

To return from the subroutine, the mov instruction can be used as shown below.

mov pc, lr

Conditional Execution. Most other instruction sets allow conditional execution of branch instructions, based on the state of the condition flags. In ARM, almost all instructions have can be conditionally executed.

If corresponding condition is true, the instruction is executed. If the condition is false, the instruction is turned into a nop. The condition is specified by suffixing the instruction with a condition code mnemonic.

Mnemonic Condition




Not Equal


Carry Set


Carry Clear


Overflow Clear


Overflow Set






Higher Than


Higher or Same


Lower Than


Lower or Same


Greater Than


Greater Than or Equal


Less Than


Less Than or Equal

In the following example, the instruction moves r1 to r0 only if carry is set.

MOVCS r0, r1

Load Store Instructions. The load store instruction can be used to move single data item between register and memory. The instruction syntax is given below.

ldr   rd, addressing    ; rd = mem32[addr]
str   rd, addressing    ; mem32[addr] = rd
ldrb  rd, addressing    ; rd = mem8[addr]
strb  rd, addressing    ; mem8[addr] = rd

The addressing is formed from two parts

  • base register
  • offset

The base register can be any general purpose register. The offset and base register can interact in 3 different ways.

The offset is added or subtracted from the base register to form the address. ldr Syntax: ldr rd, [rm, offset]
The offset is added or subtracted from the base register to form the address, and the address is written back to the base register. ldr Syntax ldr rd, [rm, offset]!
The base register contains the address to be accessed, and the offset is added or subtracted from the address and stored in the base register. ldr Syntax ldr rd, [rm], offset

The offset can be in the following formats

Offset is an unsigned number, that can be added or subtracted from the base register. Useful for accessing structure members, local variables in the stack. Immediate values start with a #.
Offset is an unsigned value in a general purpose register, that can be a added or subtracted from the base register. Useful for accessing array elements.

Some examples of load store instructions are given below.

ldr  r1, [r0]              ; same as ldr r1, [r0, #0], r1 = mem32[r0]
ldr  r8, [r3, #4]          ; r8 = mem32[r3 + 4]
ldr  r12, [r13, #-4]       ; r12 = mem32[r13 - 4]
strb r10, [r7, -r4]        ; mem8[r7 - r4] = r10
strb r7, [r6, #-1]!        ; mem8[r6 - 1] = r7, r6 = r6 - 1
str  r2, [r5], #8          ; mem32[r5] = r2, r5 = r5 + 8